Cram-a-Thon TBR + Updates!

Hi all! 
So if you follow me on YouTube channel, you may have noticed it's been a while since I've posted video. It's mainly because being a first year in uni is CRAZY; I can't even imagine what else is in store for my next three and a half years here! Also, I've been under quite a bit of stress. I went through a little rough patch and honestly thought I wouldn't be able to post another video until the new year, which is not true but I definitely will have to wait until my exams are over to have time to post anything.
Something I do seem to have the chance to do is blog posts: so I'm starting this baby back up! I figure it's a great way to update my reading but not have to get all fancy for the camera or spend the time editing and uploading a video. Today, I wanted to talk about my Cram-a-Thon TBR pile!
If you don't know what cram-a-thon is, it was started by Whitney at whittynovels (who is an awesome human being) last year when she wanted to get more books read for her Goodreads goal. She sets challenges for the read-a-thon to help build a tbr, but you don't necessarily have to follow them, you can participate however you'd like! This year's end-of-year cram-a-thon is taking place December 19th-22nd. Unfortunately, I've got a 3 hour exam to write on the 20th, and then two 8-hour shifts the next days, but I'm pretty confident I can get more reading done than I have all December. (I've literally read nothing but class-required stuff all December.)
I've made up a very ambitious TBR for the short 2 weeks I have off from class, but I'm hoping to read as much as possible, and so I figured participating in the cram-a-thon might be worth it! I'm not really aiming for any challenges, but if I hit some in the process, it's not a bad thing!

1. Winter, Marissa Meyer
Now, I've already started this one. But there's no way with all the things I have planned and an exam that I will finish this before the read-a-thon begins. It completes the "finish a series" challenge, as it is the last book in The Lunar Chronicles series. Which is amazing, by the way. It's a series on retellings of several different fairytales but it's sci-fi and there's this weird evolved species of humans that live on the moon with an evil-tyrant queen ruling over them. It's really cool, really fun, and you will love the characters.

2. Saga Vol 5, Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples
This technically completes the challenge "read a graphic novel". It is the most recent trade of the Saga comic series that has been released. I love this series, though it's not for the youngings as there are scenes of nudity and *whispers* people doing the do. But it's so much fun, it's like Romeo and Juliet if they ran away... and had a baby... in space... and had many different people/alien species running after them. So much fun! I'm very excited to get to this!

3. Beyond the Night, Alexandra Bracken
This completes the challenge "read a book under 200 pages" as it is a novella published in a bind-up with the two other novellas that take place inside Bracken's The Darkest Minds world. I've noticed that her writing isn't for everyone, but personality I love it! It always provokes strong emotions in me, and I love it when a book can do that. The Darkest Minds series - if you didn't know already - follows teenagers in a dystopian world where a plague wiped out many others their age. However, since they survived, they developed different mind abilities. It's really cool and super road-trip-y. I've already read the whole series, including the other two novellas published, and I can't wait to read this last one!

4. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling
*hides under table* so I haven't finished the Harry Potter series. I know, I know, I've heard it many times. (trust me I work in a book store, there's nothing worse than your co-workers at a bookstore finding out you've never read Harry Potter.) But that story is for another time. Basically, this fifth book is the next one I have to read and I really enjoy the audiobooks narrated by Jim Dale. I may half-read half-listen to this one, since I do own the book (and I did read the fourth book without audiobook help). But this one is so long, and I like being able to multi-task during the boring parts. So audiobook it is! Not sure if I'll finish it during the read-a-thon since it is so long, but it's worth a start! If I were to finish, it would hit another challenge, "read an audiobook."

So that's all I've got in mind, and more than I think I've got time for, but I'm really gonna try to find! I hope you're all doing very well, let me know what you're reading by leaving me a comment, or shoot me a tweet!
